Structure and calendar


  • For all subjects. assessment comprises several activities and written tests. To pass a subject, students must complete all the activities and tests for that subject and achieve a minimum grade of 4 on each of them.
  • Evaluation of the Final Master's Thesis will take into account the student's written report, the student's defence of his or her Thesis before a tribunal, and a report from the student's TFM tutor.


  • Attendance in class is compulsory. Students must attend a minimum of 80% of the classes in any subject in order to pass that subject.
  • Before beginning laboratory practicals, students are recommended to complete the courses on GC and LC and either the course on Sample Treatment or the course on Quality Management.
  • Before beginning their TFM, students should have completed all the theoretical subjects and laboratory practicals.

Timetable and language

  • Classes are scheduled from 9.00 am to 14.00 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm. Timetables for some courses may be subject to slight modifications, which will be announced before the course begins. To make students' travelling arrangements easier, classes scheduled for Mondays will begin at 11 am and classes scheduled for Fridays will end at 14 pm. The final schedules for each subject will be announced before the course begins.  Students will complete their laboratory practicals in the university at which they are enrolled.
  • Classes in Spanish. Teaching material, in English.


  • This master's degree has renewed its accreditation as an official degree on two occasions (01/06/2015 and 05/06/2019).

The Master's in Applied Chromatographic Techniques (60 ECTS) offers students training in various chromatographic and sampling treatment techniques, placing special emphasis on practical learning and solving analytical problems. Much of the instruction is provided on practical subjects and includes the handling of latest-generation instruments.

Since this is an interuniversity Master's programme, instruction on the subjects is shared by the three participating universities. Each four-credit subject is taught for three weeks. During the first week, students must attend face-to-face classes at the University where the course is being taught. Teaching for the final two weeks is done by the student's tutor and the student is responsible for completing the tasks externally under his or her tutor's supervision. The calendar for the Master's classes during the 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR is as follows:

Teaching staff
23/9 – 11/10
  • Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry   (4 ECTS)
  • School of Technology and Experimental Sciences, Universitat Jaume I (Castellon)
  • Dr. Francisco López
  • Dr. Joaquim Beltran
  • Dra. Eva Pocurull
  • Dr. Lubertus Bijlsma
  • Dr. Juan Vicente Sancho 
14/10 – 01/11
  • Liquid chromatography  (4 ECTS)
  • Faculty of Chemistry, Campus Sescelades. Room 100, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)
 Dra. Rosa M. Marcé
  • Dra. Marta Calull
  • Dra. Núria Fontanals
  • Dr. Juan Vicente Sancho
04/11 – 22/11
  • Sample treatment  (4 ECTS)
  • Faculty of Sciences, Campus Montilivi, Universitat de Girona (Girona)
  • Dra. Manuela Hidalgo
  • Dr. Juan Manuel Sánchez
  • Dr. Francesc Borrull
  • Dra. Enriqueta Anticó
25/11 – 13/12
  • The application of chromatographic techniques  (4 ECTS)
  • Faculty of Sciences, Campus Montilivi, Universitat de Girona (Girona)
  • Dr. Juan M. Sánchez
  • Dra. Enriqueta Anticó
  • Dr. Félix Hernández
  • Dra. Mònica Iglesias
  • Dra. Victòria Salvadó
  • Dra. Manuela Hidalgo
16/12 – 17/1
  • Quality management in the analytical laboratory  (4 ECTS)
  • School of Technology and Experimental Sciences, Universitat Jaume I (Castellon)
  • Dra. Carmen Hidalgo
  • Dra. Carmen Aguilar
  • Dra. Begoña García
  • Dr. Joaquim Beltran 
20/1 – 07/3
  • Laboratory practicals  (10 ECTS)
  • IUPA Laboratory (UJI)
  • Laboratories of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry (URV)
  • Laboratories of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences (UdG)
10/3 – 30/6
  • Final Master's Thesis (TFM) (30 ECTS)